Vaccino, esperto stima 20 milioni di morti e 2 miliardi di danneggiati

Dr Roger Hodkinson, MA, MB, FRCPC, FCAP è CEO della Western Medical Assessments, dopo essere stato direttore medico di tale istituzione per oltre 20 anni. Si è laureato presso la Cambridge University nel Regno Unito, per poi acquisire il Royal College pathology certificate in Canada, prendendo anche residenza a Vancouver, BC. Ha ricevuto importanti riconoscimenti filantropici a cui tiene molto, come il prestigioso titolo di “Citizen of the Year” da parte della città di Edmonton. È Presidente Onorario di Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), nonché Presidente della Rt Hon. Sir Winston Churchill Society di Edmonton-Alberta.

( – Ora, il numero di 20 milioni di morti sembra assolutamente ridicolo a prima vista, ma quando si approfondiscono i dati, ha senso. Ecco come Peter è arrivato a quel numero di 20 milioni.

Vaccino moeri

So, EU+US deaths (EUDRA + VAERS) = 13,972 + 46,999 = 60,971 deaths

and EU+US injuries = 854,084 + 6,089,773 = 6,943,857 (multiple per person, half of which are “serious”).

Multiply by 40 for URF (underreporting factor) and then (multiply) by 8 to “globalize” (the total number).

Global deaths are around 19.5 million SO FAR, and global injuries are around 2.2 billion.

Those injuries are likely to develop into “conditions” and then morbidities.

These numbers are best estimates, at this point in time, using government data for the global consequences of the clot shot in terms of death and morbidity … Now, these numbers are beyond staggering. To contrast that with history, vaccines have typically been pulled from the market – the last one, the bird flu vaccine – was pulled with only 35 — three, five deaths.

I hope people can appreciate the scale of what is going on here. An unimaginable carnage WHICH ISN’T OVER because that number – first of all, is the current estimate. It does not include future deaths of a similar type, which will be cumulative on top of that.

It does not include stillbirths. It does not include those avoidable deaths due to having had a one-disease healthcare system for two and a half years, with people not being treated or investigated for cancer or treated for cancer, for example. Those numbers are not included. The numbers from the lockdowns, the suicides are not included. And also not included are the future deaths that we’re anticipating from a rapid increase in the rate of cancer presentations and fatal infections because of immune suppression induced by the clot shot. Those factors are IN ADDITION TO those jaw-dropping numbers that I just mentioned.”

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