Pakistan: Kamikaze con commando armato attacca capo talebano

epa03769031 People survey the site of a suicide bomb attack targeting Shi'ite Muslims in restive Quetta, Pakistan, 01 July 2013. At least 50 people were killed and more than 100 wounded in a string of attacks on 30 June across Pakistan against security forces and the minority Shiite community in the bloodiest day since a new government took over in early June, officials said. The deadliest incident was a suicide bombing of a Shiite mosque in south-western Quetta city, killing 28 members of the marginalized community, which has been targeted for violence frequently in recent years.  EPA/MUSA FARMANISLAMABAD, 3 OTT – Un commando armato accompagnato da un kamikaze ha attaccato oggi il quartier generale di un comandante talebano nel territorio tribale pachistano della Orakzai Agency, causando la morte di almeno 12 persone.

L’attacco è stato rivendicato dal gruppo Tehrek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) con una comunicazione all’ANSA. “Abbiamo attaccato la base dei nostri rivali con cinque kamikaze provenienti dalle tribù Mehsud e Orakzai”, ha detto il portavoce del TTP, Shahidullah Shahid.

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