Mali: forti tensioni tra movimenti. Interverrà Obama?

epa03844694 A photograph made available 31 August 2013 shows a Tuareg Malian solider patrols the market in Kidal, Mali on 24 August 2013. Rebels of the MNLA (Mouvement National de Liberation de l'Azawad) returned to the desert city of Kidal along with French forces in late January 2013. It had been less than a year since the rebels brief occupation of the city in 2012, along with Gao and Timbuktu, fell to the Al-Qaeda linked groups they had previously been allied with. While the Ouagadougou accords signed in June allowed for the return of about 200 Malian soldiers to the rebel stronghold before the holding of national elections in August, the MNLA have yet to disarm. They continue to haphazardly administer the city and occupy government buildings. If their demands for autonomy are not met in upcoming negotiations, they have asserted that they are prepared to retake arms and continue their fight for the creation of Azawad.  EPA/TANYA BINDRATUNISI, 01 SET – Torna a salire, nel nord del Mali, al confine con l’Algeria, la tensione tra il Movimento arabo dell’Azawad ed il Movimento nazionale di liberazione dell’Azawad, formazioni armate che si prefiggono l’indipendenza delle regioni settentrionali da Bamako.

Ieri, in scontri armati tra le due fazioni ad Infarag (località ad una sessantina di chilometri dalla frontiera algerina), almeno quattro persone hanno perso la vita.

Barak Hussein Obama interverà anche qui?

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