“Il ‘politicamente corretto’ è espressione di patologia psichiatrica”

Quel fattaccio brutto della Berkeley University

di Giuseppe Sandro Mela

Quando le università diventano partigiane violente di ideologie coercitive è un segno prognostico pessimo.

Gli attori.
Miss Ann Coulter.

«Ann Hart Coulter (New York, 8 dicembre 1961) è una scrittrice e opinionista statunitense. Collabora con numerosi giornali e canali televisivi statunitensi, è autrice di vari best-seller ed è spesso ospite fissa di talk-show e dibattiti televisivi. È nota per le sue opinioni conservatrici e il suo stile aggressivo, provocatorio e polemico, ricco di salacità e di esagerazioni letterarie. Ha pubblicato sei best seller, nei quali critica duramente i progressisti statunitensi e il Partito Democratico. La Coulter scrive anche come opinionista per diverse testate giornalistiche statunitensi. I suoi articoli più recenti vengono pubblicati ogni giovedì sul suo sito ufficiale. Nel 2015 è diventata virale su internet quando,in una trasmissione, facendo una previsione sulla vittoria di Trump eleggendolo a “candidato repubblicano con le migliori chance di vincere le elezioni generali”, venne derisa da pubblico e ospiti.» [Fonte]

Berkeley. University of California.

«From a group of academic pioneers in 1868 to the Free Speech Movement in 1964, Berkeley is a place where the brightest minds from across the globe come together to explore, ask questions and improve the world.» [Berkeley. About]

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L’Università di Berkeley annulla la conferenza di Mrs Ann Hart Coulter, opinionista nota per le sue opinioni conservatrici e per aver prognosticato la vittoria di Mr Trump.

«The university told its College Republicans chapter this week that it is “unable to find a safe and suitable” venue for Miss Coulter’s planned April 27 speech and accordingly canceled the event, a verdict the right-wing diva promptly vowed to ignore»


«The note from Vice Chancellor Scott Biddy said the cancellation was made in accord with the campus police»


«“Given current active security threats, it is not possible to assure that the event could be held successfully,” the letter said»


«no school accepting public funds can ban free speech»


«Berkeley already has seen violent clashes in which left-wing protesters tried (successfully) to shut down conservative speeches and events»

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Alcune considerazioni sgorgano spontanee.
– L’Università di Berkeley si è gloriata di essere stata l’incubatrice del Free Speech Movement. Ma da quando è stata colonizzata dai liberals democratici non permette che un personaggio repubblicano oppure contrario alle ideologie liberal possa prendere la parola. Per Berkeley la gente, i Contribuenti americani, sono liberi di dire esclusivamente ciò che aggrada ai liberals: una tirannide di stampo giacobino.
– Ogni organizzazione è libera di invitare a parlare chi meglio ritiene opportuno. Ma se questa organizzazione è una Università, dovrebbe lasciar spazio all’espressione di ogni idea politica, sociale ed economica, sempre che voglia gloriarsi del nome di “libera” università.
– Se poi questa università usufruisce, e con mano ben pesante, di fondi pubblici, non esiste scusa che tenga: tutti in tale sede hanno diritto di parola.
– Bekeley, come peraltro le Università della Ivy League, sono diventate il tempio della tirannide liberal democratica, del pensiero unico, obbligatorio, coatto ed imposto anche con la forza fisica. La violenza è loro innata caratteristica.

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Le università occidentali stanno passando un periodo di profondo sbandamento alla cui base vi è l’ideologia liberal e socialista ideologica.
Tra i molti esempi potremmo segnalare quello che segue. Sembrerebbe un pezzo tratto dalla storia del nazionalsocialismo.
University students demand philosophers such as Plato and Kant are removed from syllabus because they are white
«They are said to be the founding fathers of Western philosophy, whose ideas underpin civilised society.
But students at a prestigious London university are demanding that figures such as Plato, Descartes and Immanuel Kant should be largely dropped from the curriculum because they are white.
The student union at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) insists that when studying philosophy “the majority of philosophers on our courses” should be from Africa and Asia.
The union said it is part of wider campaign to “decolonise” the university, as it seeks to “address the structural and epistemological legacy of colonialism”.
It comes after education leaders warned that universities will be forced to pander to the demands of “snowflake” students, however unreasonable they might be.
Under proposed reforms to higher education, the Government wants to place student satisfaction at the heart of a new ranking system, but critics fear it could undermine academic integrity.
Sir Roger Scruton, the philosopher, said the demands suggest “ignorance”. “You can’t rule out a whole area of intellectual endeavour without having investigated it and clearly they haven’t investigated what they mean by white philosophy,” he told The Mail on Sunday.
“If they think there is a colonial context from which Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason arose, I would like to hear it.’
Sir Anthony Seldon, vice-chancellor of Buckingham University, added: “There is a real danger political correctness is getting out of control. We need to understand the world as it was and not to rewrite history as some might like it to have been.”»
Dal punto di vista psichiatrico, questa è paranoia pura.
Alcuni studenti, in larga quota bianchi, hanno sviluppato un razzismo ideologico nei confronti della loro stessa razza: una vocazione coercitiva al suicidio.

«There is a real danger political correctness is getting out of control. We need to understand the world as it was and not to rewrite history as some might like it to have been.»

Il ‘politicamente corretto’ è espressione di patologia psichiatrica.

The Washington Times. 2017-04-20. Berkeley cancels Ann Coulter speech; conservative commentator vows to appear anyway
Berkeley will remain a safe space for University of California students triggered by the presence of Ann Coulter on campus. Maybe.
The university told its College Republicans chapter this week that it is “unable to find a safe and suitable” venue for Miss Coulter’s planned April 27 speech and accordingly canceled the event, a verdict the right-wing diva promptly vowed to ignore.
The note from Vice Chancellor Scott Biddy said the cancellation was made in accord with the campus police. The university, once the birthplace of the Free Speech Movement, has also made official notice of threats against the Coulter speech.
“Given current active security threats, it is not possible to assure that the event could be held successfully,” the letter said.
Miss Coulter took to Twitter to denounce the public university with her usual verve and said she would speak in Berkeley next week no matter what.
“I acceded to Berkeley’s every silly demand (never made of lib speakers). Called their bluff & they canceled anyway,” she posted, adding that “no school accepting public funds can ban free speech.”
“If I were going to Berkeley to get an abortion, this would be a national scandal,” she tweeted.
Miss Coulter said she was “instructing Berkeley student group to spare no expense in renting my speaking venue — part of my legal damages,” the last phrase likely a reference to damages she expects from a possible lawsuit against the University of California.
In an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, she elaborated that “they can’t stop me. I’m an American. I have constitutional rights.”
Berkeley already has seen violent clashes in which left-wing protesters tried (successfully) to shut down conservative speeches and events. Last week, a rally supporting President Trump became a full-scale riot and in February, a speech by then-Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos was shut down by rioters attacking the building.

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