I mercati finanziari hanno esultato per la morte di Jo Cox – video


Il video spiega anche il ruolo della frase “Britain first”, MAI PRONUNCIATA dal killer

Breve intervento del fondatore di ABC Economics, Stefano Fugazzi, ai microfoni di Radio InBlu del 17 giugno 2016. Come i mercati e l’opinione pubblica hanno reagito al brutale assassinio di Jo Cox, parlamentare laburista ed attivista pro-UE, a pochi giorni dal referendum del 23 giugno


Stefano F. Fugazzi and Elio Riba report

Words seem inadequate to express the sadness we feel about the assassination of Labour MP Jo Cox, a pro-immigration and anti-Brexit campaigner, who was brutally killed in the early afternoon of 16 June 2016 in Birstall, West Yorkshire (England).

Cox, 41, the MP for Batley and Spen, had suffered serious injuries and was pronounced dead at 13:48 BST on Thursday by a doctor with paramedics at the scene.

How did the financial markets react to the news of the assassination?

Elio Riba (an independent trader) and Stefano Fugazzi (founder of ABC Economics) noted that the stocks turned around as soon as the news broke cover.

The FTSE100 recovered from an intraday low point of 5901.05 (at 15:05 BST) to close at 5950.48.

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